NEWS 04 Oct 2016

Police Federation of Australia Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2016

The Police Federation of Australia audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 were today endorsed by the…

NEWS 01 Aug 2016

PFA 2016 Election Statement

Read the PFA's 2016 Election Statement that highlights some of the most pressing issues to police forces across the country

NEWS 01 Jul 2016

Election 2016 – response from the major parties to the PFA

Read the response from the ALP and the Coalition to our pre-election statement

NEWS 17 Jun 2016

PFA President’s National Police Summit Speech

Mark Carroll, PFA President, spoke on professionalization of policing at this years National Police Summit, held in Sydney on 16…

NEWS 26 May 2016

Police Federation of Australia WA Branch Rule Change

The WA Branch of the Police Federation of Australia have lodged an application for a Rule Change.  Please click here…

NEWS 26 May 2016

Strategic Plan 2016- 21

This document acts as a road map for the future direction of the Police Federation of Australia, and will assist…

NEWS 15 Mar 2016

Police Federation of Australia Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2015

A more comprehensive version of the Police Federation of Australia Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2015 were…

NEWS 18 Dec 2015

High Number of Police apply for Nanny Pilot

With the Nanny Pilot Programme to formally commence in early 2016, we are pleased to report that 17% of the…

NEWS 25 Nov 2015

Police Federation of Australia 2015 Election of Federal Office Holders and Executive Members

The 2015 elections for Federal Executive Members and Federal Office Holders was held last week in Hobart at the Federal…

NEWS 16 Nov 2015

PFA Annual Report 2014-2015

To read a copy of the PFA Annual Report 2014-2015 click here.

NEWS 06 Nov 2015

Protect Our Cops

Senior Constable Brett Gibbons was shot point-blank in the face while on duty.  He will carry the scars for the…

NEWS 04 Nov 2015

Police Federation of Australia Elections

The 2015 Elections for Police Federation of Australia officeholders will take place on 17 November 2015 at the PFA Federal…