The Police Federation of Australia (PFA), the “National Voice of Policing”, is the national body which brings together members of the eight (8) state, territory and federal police associations and unions across the country. The PFA was formally registered under Federal industrial law on 1 January 1998. The Canberra office was opened by the then Prime Minister of Australia the Hon John Howard, MP on Tuesday, 16 September 2003.

Office Bearers

  • President – Kevin Morton (NSW)
  • Vice President – Alex Caruana (AFP)
  • Vice President – Nathan Finn (NT)
  • Treasurer – Karl David (VIC)


  • Chief Executive Officer – Scott Weber
  • Office Manager – Maree McGuane
  • Administration Assistant – Amanda Chindamo

Who are the members?

All police officers who are members of each State, Territory and Federal Police Association and Union are members of the Police Federation of Australia

How many members does the PFA represent?

As at 31 December 2023 the PFA had 65,020 members, giving it the greatest level of membership density of any union or employee association in Australia.

PFA Federal Council

Federal Council meets once per annum and is made up of delegates of the eight (8) state, territory and federal police associations and unions. It is the supreme decision-making body of the PFA. The number of delegates from each branch is based on one delegate for the first 1,000 members or part thereof and one delegate for each successive 2,500 members or part thereof.

PFA Executive

The PFA Executive is made up of the Presidents from each State, Territory and Federal Branch. The Executive meets four times each year and more often if necessary.


The PFA has nine (9) standing sub-committees –

Industrial Planning Committee (IPC)

The IPC is made up of the Senior Industrial Officers from each State, Territory and Federal Branch. The IPC which meets three times each year, advises the Executive on all issues of an industrial nature.

Women’s Advisory Committee (WAC)

The WAC is made up of women police officers from each State, Territory and Federal Branch. The WAC meets twice annually to consider and advise the Executive on issues relevant to women, in particular the attraction and retention of women officials in Police Associations/Unions.

Professionalisation sub-committee

This Committee meets as and when required and advises the Executive on all issues around police education and training and the pursuit of full professional status for Australian Police Officers.

National Industrial Issues sub-committee

This Committee meets as and when required and advises the Executive on all issues around federal industrial legislation.

Member Benefits sub-committee

This Committee meets as and when required and is tasked with developing member benefits through collective purchasing power.

OH&S and Workers’ Compensation sub-committee

This Committee meets as and when required and advises the Executive on all aspects of occupational health and safety and workers’ compensation. This committee works closely with the IPC and WAC.

Superannuation and Taxation sub-committee

This Committee meets as and when required and advises the Executive on all aspects of superannuation and taxation issues that may affect members.

National Deployments Issues sub-committee

This Committee meets as and when required and advises the Executive on issues when members are deployed offshore.

Uniform and Equipment sub-committee

This Committee meets as and when required and advises the executive on issues of uniforms and equipment particularly in relation to procurement.



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