1. How frequently have you logged into the PFA Industrial Database? Never One or two times Only when updates requested by the PFA More frequently than the above 2. Have you found the keyword search function to search awards & agreements useful? Yes No Did not know this feature was available 3. In the clauses section, have you found the comparative report feature useful? (compares 3 awards & agreements side by side) Yes No Did not know this feature was available 4. In the clauses section, have you found the ability to compare a single clause across jurisdictions useful? Yes No Did not know this feature was availble 5. In the conditions section, which report formats have been useful to you? Full text reports Comparison reports Matrix reports All of the above None of the above 6. In the conditions section, have you used the editing tool to update content for your jurisdiction? Yes No Not sure how to edit content 7. Please select the below features/functions on the database which may assist you. Keyword search View & download awards & agreements Comparative report (compare up to 3 awards & agreements side by side) Comparative clause are (compare single clauses across awards & agreements) Editing tool to update content for your jurisdiction Library space to upload & share documents IPC meetings area to view & download agenda and minute documents All of the above