NEWS 02 Dec 2014
Submission to Government’s Spectrum Review
The PFA has made a submission to Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s review of spectrum – the essential ingredient for radio communications.…

NEWS 11 Nov 2014
Police Federation of Australia Federal Council Meeting
The Police Federation of Australia Federal Council meeting concluded with a dinner in Darwin on Tuesday 11 November, where long…

NEWS 01 Nov 2014
PFA Federal Council Meeting
The 2014 Meeting of the Police Federation of Australia Federal Council will take place in Darwin on Monday 10 and…

NEWS 28 Oct 2014
Stronger Visa Cancellation Powers Supported
The Police Federation of Australia has backed proposed changes to the Migration Act 1958 which will make it easier to…

NEWS 10 Oct 2014
Police Federation appears before Productivity Commission’s Hearings into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning Inquiry
On Tuesday 26 August, Bernadette Zimmermann from the Police Association of South Australia and PFA CEO Mark Burgess appeared before…