NEWS 18 Sep 2015

Nanny Pilot Programme Applications for Families Now Open

The Interim Home Based Carer Subsidy Programme (Nanny Pilot Programme) is aimed at supporting families who are experiencing difficulties accessing…

NEWS 12 Aug 2015

PFA President Mark Carroll’s Speech to the National Policing Summit

Police Federation of Australia President Mark Carroll made a key note speech to the National Policing Summit in Melbourne on…

NEWS 11 Aug 2015

Notice of the Particulars of an Alteration to the Rules (Other than Eligibility Rules) Lodged

On 11 August 2015, the Queensland Police Branch of the Police Federation of Australia (PFA) lodged with the Fair Work…

NEWS 18 Jun 2015

Rule Change Lodged in Fair Work Commission

The WA Branch of the Police Federation of Australia has lodged with the Fair Work Commission a request for amendment…

NEWS 12 Jun 2015

Joint Parliamentary Committee on Law Enforcement – Inquiry Into Crystal Methamphetamine

The Police Federation of Australia has made a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement's Inquiry into Crystal…

NEWS 01 Jun 2015

Submission to Productivity Commission

The Police Federation of Australia has today made a submission to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper, April 2015 in relation…

NEWS 28 Apr 2015

Nanny Pilot Programme

The Police Federation congratulates the Federal Government on the announcement of the Nanny Pilot Programme. To view Minister Morrison's press…

NEWS 06 Apr 2015

Interim Report on the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing

In light of a range of events in the US in 2014, US President Barack Obama established the Task Force…

NEWS 19 Mar 2015

Police Federation of Australia (Western Australia Branch) – Application for Rule Changes

The Police Federation of Australia (Western Australia Branch) has made application to the Fair Work Commission under Rule 52AZ to…