NEWS 18 Feb 2019
Media Release – Too Many Suicides, Too Much Mental Illness
Police all around Australia are devastated every time one of their fellow officers takes his or her own life. The…

NEWS 15 Feb 2019
Senate Inquiry Into the role of Commonwealth, state and territory Governments in addressing the high rates of mental health conditions experienced by first responders, emergency service workers and volunteers
On 27 March 2018, the Senate referred an inquiry into the role of Commonwealth, state and territory Governments in addressing …

NEWS 29 Nov 2018
Results from mental health and well-being of police and emergency services survey released.
Beyond Blue has released their ground-breaking research into the mental health and well-being of police and emergency service personnel, which…

NEWS 07 Nov 2018
Senate Inquiry Hearing for mental health conditions experienced by first responders, emergency service workers and volunteers
The PFA was invited to attend the Senate Hearing for the Inquiry into mental health conditions experienced by first responders,…

NEWS 22 Oct 2018
NSW Branch of the Police Federation of Australia – Proposed Rule Change
The NSW Branch of the Police Federation of Australia has written to the Fair Work Commission on Friday 19 October…

NEWS 07 Oct 2018
Police Federation of Australia 2018 Election of Officeholders
The Police Federation of Australia 2018 Election of Office Holders was conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission at the PFA's…