NEWS 29 Mar 2018

PFA Rule Change

A Notification of Rule Change for the Police Federation of Australia has today been submitted to the Fair Work Commission. …

NEWS 28 Mar 2018

PFA numbers reaching close to 62 000

The PFA membership numbers have risen to 61 811 as at 28 March 2018 according to the annual return submitted…

NEWS 23 Feb 2018

National Police Bravery Awards

Following the enormous success of the inaugural National Police Bravery Awards, the event will become an annual event on the…

NEWS 19 Feb 2018

Announcing Police Week 2018

Minister for Home Affairs and former policeman The Hon Peter Dutton MP recently launched the PFA's Police Week website. Seen…

NEWS 08 Feb 2018

The PFA celebrates a 20 year history

The PFA celebrates 20 years as the National Voice of Policing; speaking to the federal government on behalf of the…

NEWS 20 Dec 2017

Flexible Working Arrangements Survey…results are out!

The results of the largest survey undertaken by the PFA are out. The aim of the survey was to generate…

NEWS 22 Nov 2017

Australian Peacekeepers Memorial

The Australian Peacekeepers Memorial was officially opened in Canberra on 14 September, 2017.  For more information click here.

NEWS 18 Sep 2017

Police Federation of Australia 2017 Election of Office Holders

The Police Federation of Australia 2017 Election of Office Holders was conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission at the PFA's…

NEWS 07 Sep 2017

Federal Government announces $1 million for the PFA for a mental health campaign

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO BOOST PFA MENTAL-HEALTH CAMPAIGN   The federal government has announced $1M of funding to assist a Police…