Mark was a member of the New South Wales Police force from 1988 till his retirement in 2020.

Mark worked in General Duties policing, Intelligence, Beat Policing & Liquor Licensing work and was promoted to Sergeant in 1996.  From 1996 – 1998 Mark worked in the NSW Police Royal Commission Implementation Unit where he worked on all the reforms flowing from the recommendations of the Wood Royal Commission into NSW Police.  In May of 1998 he was elected President of the NSW Police Association and in December 2000 stood down to take up the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Police Federation of Australia (PFA).  Mark retired from the PFA in September 2018 and NSW Police in January 2020.  He is a Life Member of both the NSW Police Association and the PFA.

For many years Mark also served on the Executive committee of the International Council of Police Representative Associations (ICPRA) representing the Australasia region.  ICPRA represents in excess of 1.5 million police officers across, Australasia, South Africa, North America, the UK and Europe.

Mark remains the Chair of Public Safety Industry Reference Committee on behalf of the PFA, which acts as the national voice for the public safety industry on matters related to education and training in that industry and has been a board appointed director of Police Health since 2015.  He now runs his own consulting firm.

Mark has a Bachelor of Social Science (Justice Studies) from Newcastle University and a Master of Public Policy and Administration from Charles Sturt University.  He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and was awarded the Australia Police Medal in the Queens’ Birthday Honours list in 2007.