The Labor Party and the Liberal/National Party have now both replied to requests for commitments from the Police Federation of Australia (PFA).
They are responding to the PFA’s policy priorities for members and the policing profession, set out in our document “2022 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMITMENTS”.
One of the key commitments sought by the PFA was in relation to the mental health risks faced by police.
Labor have agreed to the PFA’s commitment request and have offered the PFA a seat on the Federal Attorney General Department’s First Responder Mental Health Working Group. Labor have committed to having ongoing discussion with the Police Federation of Australia on relevant policy issues.
An elected Albanese Government will also consider the PFA’s funding requests when they are elected and their Ministers welcome the opportunity to further discuss these important matters with the PFA.
The Liberal/National Party, while not specifically making any commitments whatsoever to the PFA, “welcomes further discussion with the Police Federation of Australia”.
Both parties have committed to ensure that the superannuation employers’ compulsory contribution will be raised to 12% by 1 July 2025.
Whilst some critically important concessions we sought for police members, such as extending salary sacrifice arrangements to all police have not yet been committed to, the PFA will continue to prosecute this issue with whatever party is successful in Saturday’s election.
Click here to view the response from Labor.
Click here to view the response from the Liberal/National Party.
Scott Weber, Chief Executive Officer