NEWS 22 May 2019

Criminals’ money to help cops with PTSD

Crims’ money used to help cops with PTSD, with new movie Dark Blue part of $6m campaign Charles Miranda and…

NEWS 22 May 2019

UK Police Mental Health Survey shows lack of resources and support leads to Mental Illness

UK Police are similar to us with Mental Illness but had more cuts in Police numbers.  Cuts and lack of…

NEWS 09 Apr 2019

AFPA Branch of the PFA – Rule Change

The AFPA Branch of the PFA have lodged a proposal for rule alterations with the Fair Work Commission on 5…

NEWS 08 Apr 2019

The PFA launches song ‘Graduation Day’ – part of the national mental awareness campaign

The song 'Graduation Day', part of the PFA's national mental awareness campaign has been released.  Funded with assistance from the…

NEWS 05 Apr 2019

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health

To view the Police Federation of Australia's submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health Click here    

NEWS 27 Mar 2019

PFA National Police Bravery Award recipient receives Star of Courage award.

WA policewoman Stephanie Bochorsky has been honoured in the 2019 Australian Bravery Decorations, part of the Australian Honours System to…